Thursday, June 14, 2018

Our Journey with Pectus Excavatum: The Family Education Class

Hey guys,

On June 5th we went to Cincinnati Children's Hospital for a Family Education Class to prepare us for the upcoming events. We learned about what will happen during the surgery as well as after the surgery and during his hospital stay. It's a lot y'all. It's a lot for this Mama's heart and mind to process. I don't like getting choked up in front of Christian. I want him to know that, although this is a major surgery, there is nothing to be scared of. I have complete faith in God and the Dr's and I know he will do great as well!! But, during the class they showed a video, which honestly I've watched several times over the last few months, that shows exactly how they do the procedure. I looked over at him and tears filled my eyes. Him, being the kind of boy he is, looked back and me and was laughing. I just can't help it. He's my baby and just the thought that he's going to go through that just tears me up inside!! Ugh....

A week before the surgery he has to start a stool softener. They said with all the pain medication he's going to be on as well as his lack of mobility for a few days he will need something to help him "go". He was thrilled with that news!! LOL He will also be on stool softeners and laxatives for a while afterwards. They also suggested using Zantac so the Advil doesn't mess up his stomach too much.

We learned he will have two bars placed but depending on depth, his height, and what the Dr. sees when he gets inside it will determine if he will need more than two. For each additional bar they place the surgery will take an extra hour. Really hoping he will not need more than two bars. When they remove the bars it will be outpatient procedure. They will cut open the incision, straighten the bars, and pull them out. He will go home from recovery. That's pretty amazing!! He will also be allowed to keep the bars!!

This wasn't part of the "Dr's orders" but I bought some Dial Antibacterial soap for him to start using in the shower every day just to help keep germs down a bit. He also has to use Hibicleanse the night before and morning of his surgery. That will help keep him from getting Staph or other types of skin infections there is a slight risk for. Oh and on a side note, after the class we had to take him to the lab for a Staph swab. Thankfully it came back negative so they will not need to take extra measures to keep him from getting Staph or MRSA. Yay!!

There are a lot of restrictions he will be under as well. He can not bend or twist. He can't lift his arms above 90 degrees. He can't lay on his back or sides to sleep and will need to sleep in the recliner. He also can't lift, push, or pull anything over 5lbs. Even a gallon of milk he is not allowed to lift. All of those restrictions (plus more I can't think of off the top of my head) are for 12 weeks!! That seems like such a long time. But, I think he'll manage and get used to it pretty quickly. There will be a physical therapist as well as an occupational therapist come to his room during his stay to help him do things like sit in chair, walk down the hallway, walk up stairs. He will have to learn how to shower and get himself dressed. So many things we take advantage of every day he will have to learn to do in a whole new way as his body heals.

I know I'm probably forgetting to mention a million things, but like I said, there is a lot of information to process. His surgery is just over a week (June 26, 2018) away. I've already starting writing lists of things I need to pack for him and I during our hospital stay as well as for his two little brothers who will be staying with my parents during that time. If anyone is reading this and has any questions don't hesitate to ask. I will answer as best as I can. Also, if anyone is reading this who has been on this journey I'd love to hear your story, tips, advice, whatever you've got!! Please feel free to email me!!

Thanks for reading!!
