Thursday, September 11, 2014

Homemade Applesauce Perfect for Fall!!

Ahhhhh Fall. I can see you in the distance, but the weather here in Southern Ohio has been anything but fall like. Still, this time of year makes me so excited for the coming season. Fall is hands down my favorite. I love to find and create new recipes from all the harvest fruits and veggies!! This year I've received an abundance of apples from my grandparents. They visit a local apple orchard quite often and they know how much my boys, (and I) love apples. This past week they brought us a 1/2 peck of Gala apples. I thought it would be a great idea to make some applesauce. I haven't made any for several years and I knew my boys would love it. So, that's just what I did!! In fact, they loved it so much it was gone within a few days and I've already been requested to make some more!! I love it when that happens!! This recipe is super quick and easy, but at the same time oh-so-delicious!! I won't say how I know this, but it's especially good warm on a hot biscuit with melted butter!! ;) So, here's how you make it!!

First thing you need is a lot of apples. Or, just a few. It all depends on how much applesauce you want to make. In my case I'm using 9 apples. The last time I used six and that just wasn't nearly enough.

Next, peel, core, slice apples fairly thin, and add them to your pot.

Add about a cup of water to your pan. You can also use Apple Cider or Apple Juice!!

Next up is the Brown Sugar. I love using brown sugar over white sugar. It just gives the applesauce extra warmth and I love the color as well!! I used 1/2 cup, but you can use more or less.
Awww look!! A brown sugar cupcake!! ;)

Next is the spice. I love, love, LOVE Cinnamon so that's what I use. Honestly, I didn't even measure. I'd say a good tablespoon....... or two. Whatever spice you like feel free to add it. After all, you are the boss of your applesauce. :) 

Let it cook on low for about 20 minutes, or until the apples are soft and tender.

Next thing you'll want to do, which I totally didn't take a picture of, is dump all of this into a food processor. I let mine sit for a few minutes to cool down before I processed it though. Then blend to whatever consistency you like. 

That's it!! Quick, easy, and perfect for Fall!! Oh and by the way, I'm pretty sure this will be served in Heaven over a hot, buttery, biscuit!! ha ha ha

Hope you give this recipe a try. If you do let me know how you liked it!! Have a great day!!

God Bless,

Check out my video!!