Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Revive Box from Influenster

I received this box for free to review from Influenster. If you do not know what Influenster is please check out my link. There should be a button to the right of this post!! It's super fun and I love trying out products I may not normally buy. This is the Revive Box. It came with a few different protein powders, a protein shake cup, shampoo and conditioner, some super yummy Snackwells cookies, and coffee. Let me start out with the coffee. It was amazing!! Great flavor and came in convenient pods to use with my k-cup machine. The only problem I had was it did not fit in my k-cup machine. The packaging claimed it would work in all k-cup machines but it did not do so well in mine. The pods would blow up sending coffee grounds everywhere. What a mess. I finally took the last one over to my dad to use in his Keurig and it worked perfectly!! The protein powders/shakes were in my opinion disgusting. I do not know much about them and this was the first time I ever tried them. I found they were way too sweet. So sweet I couldn't get past two or three sips without feeling sick. They all used Stevia and had that "fake sugar" taste and aftertaste. The cup was really good. It was a good size, easy to hold, and I'll probably use it for water. The Snackwells cookies were delicious!! I will be purchasing some of these for sure!! The Shea Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner were good. But, it's hard for me to give a good review when I can only use a sample size of a product. I need to be able to use it more than once to really know if I like it or not.

Back to School!! Homeschool Organization for Small Spaces.

I can't believe it's already that time of year again. Back to School!! I still get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see school supplies hitting the store shelves. haha This marks our sixth year as a Homeschool Family. I'm so glad we made the switch from public school to homeschool. I feel it was the way God was leading and everything just falls into place. One thing I find so difficult is keeping everything organized. It always seems there are books, paper, crayons, and pencils scattered around the house. This year I've decided to try to keep things a lot tidier but make it look cute at the same time. I searched in every cabinet of my house in search of jars that I could use. I found a few pint jars, some decorative jars that I bought at Target during the Christmas season, as well as a milk bottle. I used chalkboard stickers and labeled each jar according to their contents. ** Tip: Use a white crayon or colored pencil to write on your chalkboard stickers. It doesn't smudge and gives the same effect!! **
I also have a dresser in my living room that I store all of their curriculum in. I love using a beautiful piece of furniture to store things. It's pleasing to the eye and also very functional. Especially for small homes that do not have a proper homeschool room.
I hope this post will help some of you guys out. Please let me know ways you organize your school room!! I'd love to hear your ideas!! xxoo, Emily