Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back to School!! Homeschool Organization for Small Spaces.

I can't believe it's already that time of year again. Back to School!! I still get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see school supplies hitting the store shelves. haha This marks our sixth year as a Homeschool Family. I'm so glad we made the switch from public school to homeschool. I feel it was the way God was leading and everything just falls into place. One thing I find so difficult is keeping everything organized. It always seems there are books, paper, crayons, and pencils scattered around the house. This year I've decided to try to keep things a lot tidier but make it look cute at the same time. I searched in every cabinet of my house in search of jars that I could use. I found a few pint jars, some decorative jars that I bought at Target during the Christmas season, as well as a milk bottle. I used chalkboard stickers and labeled each jar according to their contents. ** Tip: Use a white crayon or colored pencil to write on your chalkboard stickers. It doesn't smudge and gives the same effect!! **
I also have a dresser in my living room that I store all of their curriculum in. I love using a beautiful piece of furniture to store things. It's pleasing to the eye and also very functional. Especially for small homes that do not have a proper homeschool room.
I hope this post will help some of you guys out. Please let me know ways you organize your school room!! I'd love to hear your ideas!! xxoo, Emily

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