Monday, December 11, 2017

Our Journey with Pectus Excavatum

Hello Everyone,

   I know this blog is mainly about food and products I'm reviewing, but I've decided to change things up a bit. At least some of the time. I hope this will help someone as well as help me and my family through this new, unexpected journey. 

  My oldest son, Christian, was recently diagnosed with Pectus Excavatum. Basically what that means is his chest caves in. I took him to the Dr. for another issue and ended up with a referral to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see a pediatric surgeon. You can imagine the shock we all went through learning this news. I always knew his chest was concave but I never really thought about it being a serious issue. I also didn't know how bad it had gotten. He's very shy about not having a shirt on in front of others so I never really see his chest. He went through a major growth spurt over the summer and stands nearly 6ft tall at just 13 years old! I believe that could be what has caused his pectus to get worse.

  I'm still very new to this. I really don't know much about what all is going to be taking place over the next several months with him. I don't know how they will correct this issue. I don't know if this is affecting his organs. So many " I don't knows" at the moment and it's making this Mama a little anxious. That's why I decided to start blogging about this. Hoping it will help ease our fears, help others who may be going through the same thing, and maybe introduce my family to others who have experienced this as well. Please feel free to reach out to me. I'll do the best I can to help you or if you wish to offer us some help that would be awesome!! 

  In February (2018) Christian will be going back to Children's Hospital for a Cardiac MRI, EKG, Pulmonary Function Test, and an Allergy Test. They are wanting to make sure all of his organs are growing and developing the way they should and aren't being pushed out of the way by his breast bone. They also want to make sure his lungs aren't being compressed. The allergy test is to make sure he's not sensitive to anything they may need to give him during surgery. It's amazing how brave this boy is. I know deep down he's probably nervous, but I talk to him about it often and he tells me he's not afraid. He just really hopes they knock him out if he has to have surgery!! hahahaha God love him. I assured him they would and he would be ok.

  Please check back often for more updates on my boy. I will be posting soon introducing you all to him. He's a pretty amazing kid!! Thanks to everyone who has read this. We would really appreciate the prayers 


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