Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our Journey with Pectus Excavatum: The Date is Set!!

Hi everyone,

   Christian's surgery was approved through our insurance so yesterday I was able to talk with the scheduling lady and set a date for his surgery. It was sort of a crazy thing because I was actually right in the middle of shopping at Hobby Lobby when I got the call. I guess I should have went back out to the car so I could talk to her more freely but she was just giving me the date and time so there really wasn't anything more than that that we needed to discuss. 

   The surgery has been scheduled for June 26,2018. I was hoping to get it a bit earlier, but I wanted the boys to be finished with school first. That was the earliest they could do it for summer time. It also gives us a little more time to prepare and get things together that we may need. I'm going to be calling the Chest Wall Center today and scheduling a Family Education Session. I'm guessing that's where we will go to learn about the surgery and get information about the things that will be going on before, during, and after the procedure. 

   Please continue to pray for my boy. I think he's feeling a bit nervous at times about it. But, he doesn't let on like he is. I talked to him about it the other day and was asking him how he was feeling. He told me he doesn't feel nervous or scared but he's not mad that he has to have surgery. I think he really wants to get his chest fixed. I think it bothers him a lot. Not physically but just knowing his chest looks so different from other people's. I can't wait until this is all over and he can start healing and getting back to normal!! 

Thanks for reading,

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