Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Our Journey with Pectus Excavatum: The Surgery

Hi everyone,

 Christian's surgery was over two weeks ago and I just haven't had time to update the blog about it. I almost feel like life has been a whirlwind since getting home from the hospital. lol

 His surgery was scheduled for 12:00pm and we had to be there at 10:30am to get him checked in so the nurses could start taking all of his vitals, get the IV hooked up, and all the things to prepare for the surgery. 

 We got there, got checked in and he was taken back to the "prep room" right away. They asked lots and lots of questions. He goofed off with the nurses and had everyone cracking up. Including his very nervous Mama. They asked him what he goes by and instead of telling them Christian he told them he'd like to be called OmniLord LOL. I seriously have no idea where he gets these things from.

 After meeting with several Doctors and Nurses and answering about a billion more questions they started his IV. He is terrified of needles and wasn't being very cooperative so they ended up blowing his vein. I wanted to get over to him badly because I knew if I was standing there with him he'd be fine. Finally they let me walk over beside him and he did great. They were able to start the IV and that's when things really started moving quickly. We had to suit up and was able to walk with him back to the surgery room. He made jokes the whole ride back telling the lady who was pushing his bed that he was going to count goats instead of sheep. I kissed him, told him I loved him and made my way back to the waiting room. I was able to hold it all together which surprised me!! I figured I would be a blubbering mess!! 

 We sat in the waiting room for a few minutes and decided to go down to the cafe for coffee and something to eat. Our nerves finally started to settle as we sat in the little courtyard and got a bit of fresh air before heading back upstairs to the waiting room. They told us the surgery would take about two hours but if he needed more bars it would be an additional hour per bar. After sitting there for nearly two hours the receptionist called us up with an update. They said he still had about another hour to go. I kinda thought then that he was getting a third bar. 

 The times seemed to tick by so slowly and finally they called us up one last time to tell us the Dr was going to meet with us in a private room to discuss how the surgery went. I was a nervous wreck!! I was sitting there waiting and waiting for the Dr. to come in and really had no idea what he was going to tell us. Finally he came in and told us the surgery went very well and he did in fact need to put in a third bar. He showed us before and after pictures that he was able to capture from the camera the put inside of him. It was so crazy to see how close my boys chest wall was to his heart and what a difference the bars made. I was almost speechless. All I could say was, "That is amazing. I can't believe it, it's amazing." LOL!! Dr. Garcia said Christian needed about a half hour to wake up fully and be a bit more stable before we could go see him. He told us to go back into the waiting room, enjoy the ambiance and the 100% Columbian Coffee. LOL He's so funny!! 

 After another half hour or so in the waiting room they finally told us we could go back and see him. When we got back there he was crying. He was having a hard time opening his eyes but when he found out I was there he looked right at me and he calmed down so much. That's when I lost it. Seeing my sweet boy lying there, knowing his body just went through something so extreme just broke my heart. I was trying to talk to him to let him know he was doing great, that the surgery was over, that he looked great but the words just couldn't come. Only silent sobs and tears. I rubbed his arm and his hair. He was mumbling something out of his head about Star Wars then he stopped and said, " I don't want to spoil it for you." God love his heart. He started to say, " I want my....." and before he could finish his sentence I asked him what he needed, he looked at me and said, "nevermind". I'm pretty sure he was going to say, "I want my Mommy", but I could be wrong. LOL ( Pretty sure I'm not though. 😛) 

  Dr. Garcia came in and opened up Christian's gown to show us his chest. It was amazing the difference!! I couldn't believe how "normal" he looked. I was just so happy and couldn't stop thanking him for all he did for my boy. Afterwards the transport team came and we walked up to his room. The room we'd be in for the next three days. The rest of the family was able to come in and see him then. He was still very out of it so I'm not sure he knew they were there. Shortly after everyone left and it was just Christian, the nurses, and me for the rest of the night. 

 I will be posting a blog about his recovery in the hospital here shortly so please stay tuned for that!! Thanks for reading!!


Here are a couple Before and After Pictures!!

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