Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Just thought I would stop by and wish everyone a Happy Halloween! We don't really do much celebrating for this Holiday. I decorate my house for Fall but not really with any type of Halloween Decor. The boys dress up and we take them Trick or Treating. It's not really one of my favorite holidays. I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! WeeHoo!! Be safe out there everyone!!


Monday, October 8, 2012


Fall is simply my favorite time of year. The smells of the leaves, the chill in the air, the colors, the pumpkins!! I could honestly go on and on. It's so beautiful. One of my favorite things to do is take my boys to pick out their pumpkins for Jack-o-Lanterns. They can't hardly stand the wait until the night we finally carve them. I usually go towards the first of October to buy pumpkins, so they have weeks until we carve them for Halloween. We also love going to a corn maze. It's a lot of fun being in the middle of a cornfield trying to find our way out. I'm hoping to go in a few weeks and get some video for YouTube!!

With fall comes food!! From desserts to hearty meals. I love all the flavors of fall. The pies, cakes, tarts, soups, stews, casseroles.... Yum!! Anything warm and comforting and full of the fall harvest!! I plan on doing a few videos showing some of the things I love to make during this wonderful season, as well as some videos of a few festivals we attend in the fall as well.

I hope you all are having a wonderful Autumn season and enjoying the break from the Summer heat!! I know I am!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kids In The Kitchen

On my YouTube Channel I have a playlist titled Kids In The Kitchen. I think it's so important to start kids out at a young age cooking. My boys love to help cook. Especially when it comes to baking cookies. I don't know if they like it because it can get messy or if they like the fact they get to eat what they made. Either way, I love having them help me!

There are so many benefits to allowing the children in your life to help out with meals and desserts. They are actually learning so much. From math to reading, to patience, to kitchen safety.... The list can go on and on. I always let them help me measure out the ingredients. My oldest son sometimes reads the recipes and tells me what to do next.

I also think another benefit to allowing your child to cook with you is it teaches them that food is good! They seem more likely to eat what they have worked so hard to help make! So, the next time your child is hungry, but doesn't want to eat what you are making, have them help, encourage them that the food is good and that they should be thankful for all they have!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

God Bless,

This is my latest video. I thought it would be fun to have Landon "help" ha ha ha

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Little About Me

Hello Friends,
  My name is Emily. I'm also known as TheCountryCook on YouTube!! I thought I would sit down and write a little about myself so everyone can know a little about who I am.

   I grew up in a small farm community in southern, Ohio. I was raised eating mostly foods raised by my Papaw. My Mom and Grandmothers are great cooks. For the record I call my Grandma's Mimi and Mamaw. I learned a lot about cooking from Mimi. I grew up in a house beside there's so we were at her house everyday for Dinner (lunch). I would stand beside her the whole time she was cooking and watch her and help as best as I could. I know I was in her way a lot but she loved it!! I've always been a Mimi's girl. hehe I still learn things from her about cooking.

  When I was 19 I got married to probably the pickiest eater I have ever met in my life!! haha I swear, I don't know how this man lives. I have never really been a picky eater. I love food, it's my passion. So, when I started finding out all the things he didn't like to eat I was a bit baffled. But, in the 10 years we've been married he's tried a lot of new things and likes most of them! I think in our early years of marriage I tortured him a lot. I was always in the kitchen coming up with new recipes and trying new things and techniques. He never complained. All though, I would get upset if he didn't like something. ha ha ha I guess I would forget what a picky eater he was.

  I am now a mommy to three precious little boys. They take up so much of my time. Especially the baby who was born in Feb. of 2012. I don't get a lot of time to do videos anymore. (He's a bit spoiled!!) I always wanted to be a Mommy. It was always my biggest dream. I feel so very blessed that God has given me three precious little boys!!

  I also have a new found passion for cake decorating. I used to love baking cakes for people when I was a little girl and using the gel icing to decorate them. But, just recently I discovered how much fun it is. I've made a few cakes for people for different events. It's a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun!

  I guess that's all I need to say for now. I hope to be able to update at least once a week if not more. Please check out my YouTube Channel and subscribe!! I'd love to have you as a part of my family!!

  Hope you all are well!! Lots of Love!!
