Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Little About Me

Hello Friends,
  My name is Emily. I'm also known as TheCountryCook on YouTube!! I thought I would sit down and write a little about myself so everyone can know a little about who I am.

   I grew up in a small farm community in southern, Ohio. I was raised eating mostly foods raised by my Papaw. My Mom and Grandmothers are great cooks. For the record I call my Grandma's Mimi and Mamaw. I learned a lot about cooking from Mimi. I grew up in a house beside there's so we were at her house everyday for Dinner (lunch). I would stand beside her the whole time she was cooking and watch her and help as best as I could. I know I was in her way a lot but she loved it!! I've always been a Mimi's girl. hehe I still learn things from her about cooking.

  When I was 19 I got married to probably the pickiest eater I have ever met in my life!! haha I swear, I don't know how this man lives. I have never really been a picky eater. I love food, it's my passion. So, when I started finding out all the things he didn't like to eat I was a bit baffled. But, in the 10 years we've been married he's tried a lot of new things and likes most of them! I think in our early years of marriage I tortured him a lot. I was always in the kitchen coming up with new recipes and trying new things and techniques. He never complained. All though, I would get upset if he didn't like something. ha ha ha I guess I would forget what a picky eater he was.

  I am now a mommy to three precious little boys. They take up so much of my time. Especially the baby who was born in Feb. of 2012. I don't get a lot of time to do videos anymore. (He's a bit spoiled!!) I always wanted to be a Mommy. It was always my biggest dream. I feel so very blessed that God has given me three precious little boys!!

  I also have a new found passion for cake decorating. I used to love baking cakes for people when I was a little girl and using the gel icing to decorate them. But, just recently I discovered how much fun it is. I've made a few cakes for people for different events. It's a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun!

  I guess that's all I need to say for now. I hope to be able to update at least once a week if not more. Please check out my YouTube Channel and subscribe!! I'd love to have you as a part of my family!!

  Hope you all are well!! Lots of Love!!


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