Friday, January 3, 2014

Home School - Why it's the best choice for us!

I don't think I've actually taken the time to write about why we chose to home school our children. Most people assume it's for religious reasons, because we don't want our children learning about evolution. I'm not sure why people automatically assume that anyone who home schools their children is doing it because of that certain topic but then again there are a lot of things I'm very unsure of. ha ha

We are Christians. We do believe that everything inside and outside of this universe was created by the one and only God. But, that wasn't actually the reason we started to home school our oldest son. He is a very smart boy. We endured a year of public school when he was in Kindergarten and a half a year of First Grade. Just before their Christmas break I had had about all I could take of the public school system. He was being bullied by another student and he was the only one getting in trouble about it, he was getting very bored with the curriculum, especially after learning the same thing over and over again. He catches onto things very quickly. Most of the time we tell him something once and he's got it and remembers it!! His teacher was very un-organized and seemed pretty scatter brained when I would volunteer in her class. They were very unwilling to challenge his mind and keep him interested in class so he was getting in trouble. I was a big ball of nerves and stressed beyond belief. I try not to worry and get worked up over things but this had me sick constantly and I just couldn't take it any more. 

We started home schooling right after Christmas break and I knew within the first week it was the best decision we had ever made!! He was actually learning and interested in his lessons. He was excited and happy. He was honestly like a different child.

Christian is now in 4th Grade and doing great! His little brother Aiden started Kindergarten this year. I was a little nervous to home school him. He had no interest what so ever in learning. I debated between sending him to public school or keeping him home. Finally, in the end, we chose to keep him home as well. He is doing great!! He is catching on so fast and they are both making me a very proud Mommy!! 

It's not always the easiest thing for me. I look forward to weekends and days off. My days are full and I don't get much time to myself. But, this is the life I chose and the life I love. God has blessed me so much with three amazing little boys and a husband who works hard to provide such a great life for us!!

If anyone has any questions about homeschooling or if you're on the fence about whether you want to or not leave me a message. I'd be more than happy to talk to you about it!!


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