Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Product Review. The Best Cream for Dry Cracked Hands

As I mentioned in my previous product review I have a very hard time with dry skin in the winter time. I think by far my hands suffer the most. Being someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking as well as baking cakes for people who order them from me, I can't afford to have grossy josie looking hands. I have suffered for years with horribly dry, cracked hands. I wash my hands several times a day as well as wash several sink loads of dishes. My hands honestly take a beating. All though I wear gloves when I bake and decorate cakes for people, I still never felt comfortable doing things when my hands were such a mess. I would go to bed at night and my hands would literally ache and burn because my skin was so bad. 

Over the years I've tried probably every type of lotion and cream on the market. Nothing really helped. This year I said enough is enough. I was desperate to find something that was really going to help. One weekend I was at my grandparent's house and Mimi ( that's my grandma) told me she bought this amazing stuff for her hands called O'Keeffe's Working Hands. (She also has problems with dry, cracked hands). She said her hands weren't cracked at all and it was really good stuff. 

Over the next few weeks I searched high and low for it. I went to several different places and it was always out of stock. Finally we searched online and found a local store that sells it. My husband bought me a jar and the first time I used it I could feel and see a difference. By the next day my hands looked perfect. There was no dryness, no ugly cracked knuckles. It was like a miracle happened over night!!

I've gotten into the habit of using this every night before I lay down to sleep. It doesn't take much. There is no scent or odor at all. It is a bit greasy feeling, but it doesn't bother me much while I'm going to sleep. If my hands happen to be extra dry, when I've had them in water a lot more often than normal, or when the temperatures are really cold, I will apply some through out the day.

This is truly an amazing product and I recommend it to anyone who also suffers from dry, cracked hands!! 


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